Big Bad Sinner: A Forbidden Romance Read online

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events reside solely in the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen years of age or older.

  ©2017, Annette Fields. No portion of this work can be reproduced in any way without prior written consent from the author with the exception for a fair use excerpt for review and editorial purposes.This title is for adults only. It contains explicit sex acts, adult themes, and material that some folks may find offensive. Please keep out of reach of children.

  Big Bad Sinner: A Forbidden Romace

  by Annette Fields

  Table of Contents

  Big Bad Sinner: A Forbidden Romace

  More books by Annette Fields

































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  More books by Annette Fields

  The Small Town Bad Boys series

  Big Bad Boss

  Beauty and the Bastard

  Heavy Metal Heart

  Would you like a FREE deliciously naughty book? Sign up for my newsletter to get Her Soldier, a military romance novella, just for being a fan of my books!



  "Are you sure this is going to work?"

  "Hang on. Let me see you."

  I stopped my hurried pace down the street and turned to face Angelica.

  A pang of envy hit me as her chocolate brown eyes traveled over me in a thorough inspection. She was my best friend and I loved her to death but that didn't mean I couldn't wish to look like her.

  Tall and statuesque with bronzed skin, long dark hair, perfect makeup and impeccable fashion sense, she was mistaken for one of the Kardashians on a daily basis.

  Sure I had long dark hair too, but I was short with a small mouth, pale skin and a permanent Resting Bitch Face that more closely resembled Wednesday Addams.

  With a long manicured finger, Angelica nudged my already-low top down even lower so that my lacy pink bra cups peeked out, contrasting sharply with the black tank top. If I had any doubts that men would stare at my chest, they were completely erased now.

  "There," Angelica said proudly, hands on her hips as naturally as if she were born in front of a camera. "Now there's no way it can't work."

  "I dunno," I muttered, feeling uncomfortably exposed. My dad would have a heart attack if he saw me like this. Mom would call me all kinds of creative names if she wasn't such a bimbo that only knew the word whore.

  "What are you talking about? You look at least twenty-one," Angie insisted.

  "Maybe my tits do, but my face still looks like I'm fourteen."

  It didn't matter that my face was caked in makeup and I tried unsuccessfully for years to get a tan. I still got carded when I bought cigarettes and lottery tickets.

  People always said, "Oh, you'll be grateful when you're older!"

  I always thought, that's great but in the meantime, I'm nineteen and I get constantly mistaken for a child. It's kind of fucking annoying.

  "Now they'll be too distracted to look at your face," Angelica said, gesturing toward my chest. "Anyway you have Marcy's ID, don't you?"


  "So we've got nothing to worry about! Seriously, it'll be fine. I go to this bar all the time."

  Yes, Angie. Because you're you.

  We continued down the street. If my young face wouldn't betray me, my nervousness surely would.

  Just act natural, Angie told me. Well, I'd never try to sneak into a bar while underage before so it didn't exactly come naturally to me.

  It was still exciting nonetheless. The novelty of buying smokes and scratch-off cards wore off pretty soon after I turned eighteen. Getting my hands on alcohol proved more difficult than I imagined, but I finally struck pay dirt when Angie hooked me up with her cousin’s ID that hadn’t expired yet.

  Sure, our eyes, lips, and noses were completely different shapes but you could barely tell in that tiny, shitty license photo. Especially in bar lighting.

  The forbidden fruit was always the sweetest.

  At school, there were twenty-one-year-old guys who would be down to buy booze but they always wanted something for it, and not extra cash. They wanted exactly what I had no desire to give.

  And as far as my mom knew, we lived in an alcohol-free household but I knew Dad hid a bottle of whiskey in his desk drawer. Too bad he guarded it like a dragon over a treasure chest and I never got a chance to sneak a sip.

  At some point, I wondered when my parents would realize that punishing me harder and treating me worse would only make me rebel more.

  We were a deeply religious household according to my mother. I started noticing the hypocrisies around seven years old. By the time I was eight, I learned to not ask her questions like, Mommy, how could Noah fit two of each animal on the ark? My teacher told me there are over a million species of animals on the planet.

  "Do not question your faith, Magdalene!" she screamed at me, stabbing a finger in my face. "If you turn away from Him, He will not welcome you into his arms in Heaven! You will join the non-believers in Hell!"

  Hell sounded like a much more fun place to me.

  So I read books and searched the internet instead. My parents were never smart enough to block certain websites or check my browser history.

  By the time I was twelve, I learned that it was my fault that I grew breasts noticeable enough for grown men to catcall me. Mom made me wear turtlenecks no matter how hot it was and shorts that went no higher than my knees.

  So while I definitely felt exposed walking down the street with my bra showing, the tops of my breasts covered in gooseflesh from exposure to the cool night air, it also felt freeing.

  "Here we are!" Angie said excitedly as we approached a brick building with neon beer signs in the windows and a large man dressed in black standing in the doorway.

  "Hrm," she said as we got closer, slowing down her high-heeled gait and chewing her lip.


  "That's not the usual bouncer at the door."

  "Are you kidding?" I stopped dead in my tracks.

  "Relax, we'll still get in," she said, tossing her long, silky mane over her shoulder. "The bartender knows me."

  The lights from inside the bar silhouetted the big doorman like some kind of halo. Music from a jukebox played some classic rock song that my dad would recognize instantly.

  "Hey, how's it goin'?" Angie greeted the bouncer as we approached, flashing her perfect model smile. "You new here?"

  "IDs, ladies," was his only reply.

  "Sure, hun." Her tone was relaxed as she produced the card from her wristlet but I could sense her nervousness, which only kicked mine into overdrive.

  I handed her cousin’s ID over from my rear shorts pocket and stuck my thumbs through my belt loops as we waited.

  Then I wondered if that was too childish-looking so I mirrored Angie and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
  I then realized that doing so squished my boobs together to create more cleavage and perkiness.

  The bouncer paid no attention to our chests though as he inspected our IDs with a small flashlight. Maybe it was just my nerves but he seemed to be taking a long time. The people at the corner store never took this long when I bought my smokes.

  His eyes flicked up to meet mine and I did my best to keep my Resting Bitch Face neutral and bored.

  "What's your middle name, Marcy?" he asked me.

  "Rebekah," I answered, hoping I didn't pause for too long.

  "And your birthday?"

  "January sixteenth, nineteen-ninety-four."

  "Sorry, darling," he said, returning the card to me. "There is no damn way you're twenty-three."

  "What?!" Angie and I cried out in unison.

  "And this is straight-up fake. And not a very convincing one." He returned Angie's card to her.

  "What the hell?" I demanded. "I answered your questions right!"

  "Yeah but that ain't you in the picture," he smirked. "Try again when you're twenty-one, ladies."

  "Oh come on! This is bullshit," Angie huffed. "I've been here tons of times before, our friends are waiting inside. This has never been an issue!"

  “Alright,” the bouncer said with an amused chuckle as he turned to the side. “Point out your friends. Let’s see who knows you in here.”

  Angie stuck her head inside the doorway and looked around at the patrons. My hope started to falter, giving way to disappointment.

  “Where’s Manny?” she demanded. “The bartender.”

  “No longer working here,” the bouncer replied. “Busted for reasons I’m sure you can guess.”

  Serving alcohol to minors, I take it. What prize do I win?

  Angie glanced over her shoulder at me, throwing me a helpless what do we do now? look.

  I shrugged but took a cursory glance through the doorway.

  No one looked like they would be willing to cover us on the spot, from what little I could tell. Everyone was at least ten years older than us and completely absorbed in their group of friends or significant others.

  Except for one.

  One guy sat at the bar by himself, but he was the last person on earth I expected to see alone.

  He was beautiful.

  His side profile looked carved from marble, from his straight nose, sharp cheekbones and jawline to his sandy blond hair that was clipped close around the sides of his head but in longer, sandy waves on top.

  His body looked just as hard and defined. His dark slacks hugged large, muscular thighs and an ass that I could bounce a quarter off of. Biceps threatened to tear through the sleeves of his dress shirt that were pushed up to his elbows.

  This beautiful man looked down into his drink, his large dark lashes shielding his eyes from view. My body felt light like a cloud as I stared at him. I wanted to see his eyes. I wanted to see what was behind them, what his story was.

  He also appeared to be the youngest person in the bar and therefore our most likely ticket in.

  “John!” I yelled into the bar, using the first male name I could think of. “Hey, John! It’s Marcy and Angie!”

  His eyes lifted lazily in my direction as he cocked one perfect eyebrow. My heart crashed against my sternum as my gaze caught his. Would he play along? How lucky would that be if his name really was John? I wondered what his voice sounded like. Deep and manly, most definitely. Nothing like dumb frat boys who still squeaked like rats.

  I suddenly really wanted and willed for him to pretend he knew us. Not for the alcohol, but just so I could sit next to him and talk to him. This perfect stranger captivated me and I could not begin to understand why.

  “John, can you believe this guy won’t take our IDs?” I gestured at the doorman and made an eye roll that I hoped was convincing.

  He raised his glass to his lips as an amused smirk crossed his face. A thin chain around his neck caught the light when he moved. A simple cross pendant hung delicately from the chain.

  “Sorry, ladies.” His voice was velvety smooth and deep as thunder. “You’re trying to play the wrong guy.”



  What’s worse than seeing your local pastor at the bar?

  Knowing that your local pastor is also divorced.

  My whole congregation probably knew about it at this point, which was why I moved forty-five minutes away to this shithole town. Those folks loved to gossip almost as much as clutching their pearls at the sight of a gay couple.

  At least here, I could be a normal human being and indulge in my vices in peace.

  As a man of God, my community held me to a higher standard. That meant no smoking, no drinking, no swearing, and definitely no divorces.

  My ex-wife would’ve been content to stay married as well. She could’ve kept up her sweet, wholesome image at church while still fucking her boy toy behind my back.

  When I finally put all the pieces together and confronted her with the evidence, she cried crocodile tears and begged me not to leave her, but she never apologized. She never showed an ounce of remorse for lying to me and shitting on our vows. Her main concern was what people would think if they knew.

  I still had my testicles so of course I divorced her without a second thought and moved the hell out. But that didn’t make it hurt any less, nor did it preserve my reputation at the church.

  I was the bad guy for breaking such a sweet woman’s heart. Nobody but I knew she was a wolf in sheep’s clothing if there ever was one.

  And it wasn’t lost on me that I shared a name with Adam’s evil son who murdered his brother and was driven out by God to wander as his punishment. My parishioners loved to remind me of that lately as if I didn’t study the Bible for twenty years.

  I may not be wandering with my feet, I thought as I swirled my whiskey around. But I am one hell of a lost soul.

  Per our state laws, Rachel and I had been separated for a minimum of six long months before we could legally divorce. I counted the days like a prisoner waiting to be freed from a cage. The last day of the sixth month was yesterday.

  I signed everything I needed to sign, then came straight to the bar in my new hometown as of six months ago, and had my first drink as a single man.

  Sitting there and sipping my drink, I tried to make sense of my thoughts, feelings, and instincts.

  God had me on a path but to where? I thought all signs pointed to Rachel being my soulmate, my partner in life, but her infidelity and the resulting consequences shook me to my very foundation. Undoubtedly it was a test of my faith.

  Now with a freshly bleeding heart and the freedom to come and go as I please, I was a prime choice for temptation from the devil.

  The whiskey danced over my tongue, whispering reminders of how good a little sin tasted. It would’ve been downright seductive if that girl at the door hadn’t shown up and taken its place.

  If you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.

  I shouldn’t have been thinking it but fuck yeah I would’ve liked to master her. Rachel grew so cold to me in the final year of our marriage, that girl’s perky cleavage and her tight little rosebud mouth had me salivating.

  Watch it, Kain. She’s not old enough to drink. Who knows if she’s old enough for any adult activities. Especially the one you preach to save for after marriage.

  I sighed as I drained my glass and patted my shirt pocket for my smokes, realizing it would be a long, lonely life of putting more hours in the gym and whacking myself off if I had any intention of practicing what I preached.

  My reputation was already tarnished enough without sticking my dick in barely legal girls. Sure, I could eventually date and remarry but it felt like eons before I would be ready for that. If I could manage to stay celibate for a few months, maybe my congregation would nod in collected approval and move on to gossip about something else.

  I stuck a cigarette in my
mouth as I slid off the barstool and stalked toward the front door, ready to enjoy some fresh air before crashing at my apartment.

  I barely got past Joe, the bouncer, and flicked my lighter before I heard a familiar voice dripping with disdain.

  “Well if it isn’t John, who was oh-so-helpful.”

  I looked up from my light to see the two women sitting on a bench just outside of the bar with their own cigarettes. They both looked at me like I was their father who just grounded them and took their cell phones away.

  But the one with the sexy Medusa glare and the tight cherry mouth was the one who sent my now-unmarried dick twitching.

  "You couldn't have given me a more creative name?" I smirked as I took my first drag. "I might've answered to Cornelius or even Jedidiah."


  The one who looked more conventionally hot but interesting as a box of nails rolled her eyes behind heavy, fake lashes.

  "What're you two still doing out here?" I asked. "Don't you have Disney slumber party plans or something?"

  "Oh you're so funny," the boring one said brattily. "Look, we're not even that young. We just wanted to have a couple of drinks! In every other country in the world, we're perfectly legal."

  "Let it go, Angie," said the raven-haired beauty as she crushed her cigarette beneath her heel. "Even if Cornelius here played along, they never would have served us."

  "Oh good. So you kids are able to use your brains," I cracked.

  Neither of the girls laughed but the one I couldn't stop looking at, I think her name was Marcy, turned the corners of her petite mouth up in a tiny smirk. She shared the same amusement as me by the attempted charade. She wasn't bratty and petulant like her friend.

  "Well I'm going to find a bathroom, then we can go home before bedtime like little kids, I guess," said the bratty girl. She stood from the bench and tried to shoot me an icy glare but it only made her look vapid.

  "Don't mess around with my friend while I'm gone."

  "Wouldn't dream of it," I replied.