Beauty and the Bastard: A Royal Bad Boy Romance Page 6
As the gargantuan palace came into view, I felt my stomach churn. I always thought that thing was an eyesore. It overlooked the city like a huge, stone gargoyle stuck in the Dark Ages while the rest of the world progressed and modernized.
At least I wouldn’t have to live there, according to Stella. Maybe Queen Cunt would give me a parcel of land on the western coast, far away from that old, dreary castle. Much of Amberfall’s coastline remained uninhabited so it’d be nice and quiet. I could keep building my ships in peace.
We circled around the palace until we drove through a heavily guarded gate. It felt like another miniature city inside the palace walls. Stores, restaurants, parks, and what looked like smaller government buildings lined the streets. People milled about, chatting, eating lunch, and looking at their phones like any other downtown area.
The only stark difference was a Queen’s Police officer posted at every doorway.
Our driver pulled up to what looked like an ordinary hair salon. The Queen’s Police officer posted at the door eyeballed me and I mugged him right back as we approached. I knew I was the roughest looking motherfucker on this side of the palace walls but that was no reason to size me up like a damn criminal.
He scowled at me as he pulled the door and only then did I break my gaze, walking through with my escorts.
“Ahhh, you must be Gavin!”
A curvy, middle-aged woman with a French accent ambushed me the moment I walked in. If she were twenty years younger and I wasn’t hooked on Stella, she’d be the type of woman I’d love to have fun with.
“Yes, hello,” I drawled, appreciating her hourglass figure with my eyes.
“I am Marie, le royal stylist,” she said with a wide grin. “We are going to transform you, but first!” She clapped her hands and called to the back of the salon in French. A willowy teenage boy appeared carrying a pitcher and two glasses on a tray. Into the glasses, he poured an iced drink that smelled like a peculiar tropical fruit.
“Salut!” Marie handed me one glass and clinked hers against mine.
“Ah. I’m okay, actually,” I protested. Fruity drinks sat firmly at the bottom of my list of booze choices.
“Drink it,” she commanded in a stern, motherly tone. “I can smell a hangover from a mile away. The pineapple and lime will refresh you and provide your body with nutrients. The rum will take the edge off your headache.”
Under her hawk-like stare, I took a careful sip. The crisp, refreshing flavor hit me like a punch and made me realize how thirsty I was. Of course, royals would get real fruit and not that fake concentrated crap like ordinary people. Sure enough, the sweet bite of rum came through as well.
“Good boy, “ Marie said as she watched me down the glass. “You should eat as well, and drink water. Come, Gavin! We have much work to do!”
Throughout that whole day in Marie’s salon, I wondered how much of my manhood remained. Her employees—all male, unfortunately— stripped me naked and sent me to a huge shower room with steaming hot water. Just as I was feeling relaxed enough to fall asleep, they turned on the cold water and scrubbed me up and down with some frilly-smelling soap. After that, they dried me off with warm towels and blow-dryers. I was allowed to put on underwear for my suit measurements, then I was off to Marie herself for my haircut, shave, and...facial?
I’d bet my left nut most women have never been pampered in their lifetime as much as I was that day. While Marie worked the skin and hair of my face, her employees filed away at my hands and feet. They took small breaks every few minutes so we could all sip our fruity drinks and nibble on pastries.
Maybe I’d never be considered for the throne, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I felt like a fucking king.
“How do you feel about the queen?” I asked Marie once she finished with the razor on my face and began applying soothing aftershave.
She laughed in reply. “You ask dangerous questions, young man. Chin up.” I did as she instructed and felt the cool balm on my neck. “I make a good living. For that, I am grateful to Her Majesty.”
Her hands moved away and I heard her washing them in the sink nearby. “For my salon sisters across Amberfall, I wish they had as many benefits as I do working for the Crown. It’s nearly impossible to run your own business now.”
I made a mental note of that as she removed my cape with a flourish.
“Voila!” she declared triumphantly. “Take a look in the mirror, handsome.”
I sat up in the chair and blinked in disbelief. I barely recognized my own face.
Women I’d been with always said I looked older than 23. They usually guessed late twenties or even 30. That’s what running away from home at 18, fending for yourself as a kid, and hard shipwright labor will do to you. I was also never much for grooming myself so I rocked a stubbly face and unkempt hair for as long as I could remember.
Somehow Marie and her team seemed to rewind my age back to where it was supposed to be.
With my smooth baby face, bright skin, and tamed hair and eyebrows, I looked barely over 21. What shocked me most was how much I looked like Alex but never realized it. Our bone structures were exactly the same. Our eye shapes, lips, and cheekbones would give us away as brothers in an instant.
The only difference? He was the Golden Son and I was his dark, smoldering shadow.
Marie confirmed it when I looked over at her. “It’s true,” she said with a small nod. “You really are the brother of the prince and princess.” She dipped in a small curtsy.
“Thank you,” I said. “You did this.”
“Not at all, handsome man. You were there underneath the city grime. I just uncovered you.”
“Wish I could have you work just for me.” I inspected my neck and jaw in the mirror. No trace of razor burn and not a single stray hair in sight. I could get used to being this smooth.
“I will give you a list of my salon sisters. They are every bit as good as me.” Marie smiled. “Sit, Gavin. Eat and drink more. Your suit will arrive for your fitting within the hour.”
Within the hour was more like fifteen minutes. I had just scarfed down an American cheeseburger off the catering tray when my suit arrived. As I stood on the pedestal while Marie’s assistants measured, re-measured, took it in some, and let it out some, I felt extremely glad that I had eaten my fill. Standing there for hours in my princely posture while they tailored my suit to fit me like a glove would’ve been torture on an empty stomach.
The sun was setting over the western palace tower when they finally finished. It was a fairly simple three-piece navy suit but it made me look like a million bucks and nothing I’d ever worn had fit me better. Except maybe Stella’s body against mine last night.
As if on cue, Marie approached me and announced she’d be arriving at the salon shortly to pick me up.
“Stella’s coming here?” I asked.
“Yes, you’ll be her escort. You will both be announced and walk into the ballroom together.”
I nodded, suddenly feeling a flutter of nerves despite the numbing effects of drinking all day long. I expected to see Stella at the event but didn’t realize we be paired up.
Marie straightened my lapels and brushed off my shoulders, not that I needed it at that point. “I can tell you’ll make a great royal. Just be yourself, son.” She kissed the air near my cheek and whispered, “Don’t let them get to you. Remember we’re all the same underneath.”
“Miss Lundenberg’s car has arrived,” announced the Queen’s Police from the front door.
“Thank you again for everything,” I said to Marie with a nod as I marched to the front door as Stella taught me. At long last, I finally looked the part. All I had to do was fake it til I made it.
My jaw dropped the moment Gavin stepped into the car. Instead of loose-fitting jeans, tailored silk wrapped around his long muscular legs. His chest and abs looked no less ripped under a shirt, vest, and suit jacket. The Rolex on his wrist completed
his look like a cherry on top of a sundae.
I couldn't take my eyes off his face. His smooth, angular jaw pointed to full, kissable lips no longer hidden by stubble. I adored his messy hair from the past two weeks, but he looked absolutely dapper with it cut back and styled.
Marie never disappointed. I knew she could bring out his best features.
But his smile. There was that smile I recognized under all the changes. The one that melted my core into a pile of liquid heat. The one that made me feel bashful and completely at ease at the same time.
"Hey, Stel."
"Hey, yourself."
"You look beautiful."
My heart stopped. No man besides my father had ever called me beautiful before. I knew I looked nice and my gown was pretty but me, beautiful? From a man as sexy as Gavin?
"So do you," I blurted out stupidly.
"Why thank you," he replied with a mock fluttering of his eyelashes.
"You know what I mean," I laughed. "Really, you look great."
"And I really mean you are gorgeous."
As my heart pounded and my stomach flip-flopped, I realized he was looking at me in the same way I looked at him. Ardent, curious, and a lot more than friendly.
He scooted closer to me along the seat. Being alone together again— while all dressed up for this royal event— suddenly felt extremely intimate.
"I'm glad we're going into this thing together," he said in a low, husky voice as the car pulled away from the salon. The ballroom was on the other side of the palace and we'd be there in a few minutes.
"Me too," I said. "Seems fitting."
Desire and longing for his touch overwhelmed me. My heart beat so loudly I was sure he could hear it. Could he feel the tension between us as thickly as I did? He was sitting so close too. I could smell his cologne, raw, musky, and masculine just like him.
He stated my name as he moved in closer until his thigh pressed against mine. His heat seared against my flesh just like it did when he hugged me. I laid awake in bed that night just imagining his heat, the hardness of his body, and the smell of him. When I couldn't sleep, I touched myself again and again until I drifted away into exhaustion.
In the car, he invaded my senses all over again. He was so close, practically on top of me, and I could not refuse. I didn't want to. And this time he wasn't pretending to be just friendly.
His hand slid across my lap, fingertips barely brushing across the fabric of my dress, but his grip on my waist held firm as he whispered my name again.
My vulva pulsed with need as my mind went blank. The simplest touch from him was almost too much to handle.
His breath blew gently against my cheek. His nose nudged me gently. When I turned my head to face him, his mouth waited for mine.
His kiss captured me like it would never let me go. Not that I ever wanted it to. My mind and body came undone as the heat and wetness of his tongue opened, invaded, and explored me.
My perception of the world around me went dark as I returned his kisses and got lost in them. Nothing else existed besides the world of Gavin’s mouth on mine.
His kisses had a fierce, roughness to them despite his smooth face and exfoliated lips. They pulled me in, demanding and possessive. There was no shyness, no hesitation and I never felt so turned on in my life. My nipples felt like tiny boulders and ached for sweet release. I melted under his touch and surrendered all control to him.
Our mouths and bodies fit together like a lock and key. Both of his strong arms tightened around me and held me against his broad chest.
I lost track of where I ended and he began.
I felt a heartbeat under my hand against his chest. It matched the thunderous beating that coursed heat and sensitivity throughout my whole body as he claimed ownership of me with his kisses.
He pulled back ever so slightly and whispered my name against my lips, which sent shivers down my spine. I briefly wondered if his repeating my name meant that I enveloped his whole world like he did mine.
No, I didn't wonder. I yearned for it.
One hand traveled from my waist to trace gently along my neck and jawline. His fingertips were just as rough and calloused as I remembered from our dancing lessons. Every inch of me begged and screamed to feel those hands on my bare skin. My clit pulsed almost painfully against my panties, and my pussy felt slick and devastatingly empty.
Fuck. I would have to tell him that I was a virgin. But wait, would I? This was just kissing. It wouldn't necessarily lead to that, despite my body thinking so. Would it?
My mind started to race as reality crept in to fill my perception again.
Gavin just kissed me!
Outside of it feeling really, really good, that was bad.
Really bad.
"Gavin." I spoke his name breathlessly, only vaguely realizing how fast and shallow my breaths were.
"Stella, you're amazing," he murmured.
My breath felt stolen from me again as his lips pressed sensually just under my earlobe, slowly trailing warm kisses down the side of my neck.
"Gavin, we can't..." I seemed completely unable to speak more than three words. My body felt like a melted puddle of hot wax, and my brain unable to concentrate on anything besides how good his mouth felt on my skin.
"I know. I don't care."
Just those words turned me on even more. Damn it, why did I find his defiance so fucking sexy? He wasn't technically a royal yet, he could get thrown in jail for doing this to me.
And yet I relished in being wanted by this man so badly.
A stab of panic gripped me as I glanced in the direction of the driver and felt overcome with relief to see the dark-tinted partition closed. Until we arrived and someone opened the car door, we truly were alone to ourselves.
"Gavin, stop." The words felt like painful stabs of small knives as they left my mouth.
He pulled away and looked at me with dark eyes full of lust. His lips remained parted and flushed from kissing me.
"I want you, Stella. And I know you want me." His voice was low and his breath shallow like mine.
My brain was frazzled. I couldn't handle how sexy he looked and sounded. How desperate and powerless he made me just from a few kisses.
"Gavin, this is not a good time-"
"I couldn't wait until after this bullshit party. I had to tell you now." He roughly pulled me closer, until I was practically sitting in his lap. My thigh brushed against something hard and massive.
"Stella, do you have any idea how badly I wanted you when you came over, day after day?” Lust and conviction dripped like honey from his voice.
“How much I wanted to carry you to my bed and make you come until you can't see straight? You possess me, Stella."
I didn’t know how to respond. My body wanted to throw itself at him and let him ravage me, but the virgin in me panicked. And none of that took what if we got caught into account.
Why was this wrong again? He made me feel so good.
My brain seemed to shut down in trying to process what he was telling me. The pleasure wasn't even perceivable but my body felt aflame with it and he hadn't even done anything yet.
"Gavin, not here," I protested weakly, trying to see out the windows how close we were to the ballroom. The tension seemed even thicker by how little time we had.
"Of course not, baby," he chuckled. "I'm not going to fuck you in the back of a car. I'm going to take all night to please you and tease you later. I just couldn't stand to let you have the wrong idea. I don't want to be friends, I want more."
I could barely believe what I was hearing, and I didn’t know whether to be happy or worried. So many variables made this complicated.
"Gavin, royal society is different-"
"I know, casual sex is more frowned upon. But I don't want to be casual. I want this to be us."
My heart and stomach jumped back and forth as if they
were switching places. Was this really happening? Did he really say what I dreamed of happening but never believed it would?
But oh god, why now?
"We'll have to talk about this later. We don't know what's going to happen tonight."
He pulled further away from me and my body mourned the loss of his touch.
"You want to wait and see if I go back to being nobody that matters," he said coldly.
I gulped nervously. "No, I just want us to be careful. We could get in really big trouble. You could get arrested."
"I don't give a fuck."
"I do."
My body seemed to move of its own free will as I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply. Ten seconds without touching or tasting him was far too long.
“I couldn’t stand to lose you.” The confession poured out of my mouth like water from a fountain.
He softened and wrapped his arms around me tightly again, devouring my kisses even more hungrily than before. His teeth nipped at my lips and a moan escaped his throat as his tongue slid into my mouth to crash against mine. It whispered promises of pleasure beyond my imagination and my whole body shuddered in response.
For the first time in my life, I truly let go. I kissed him like I always imagined kissing a man, full of passion and holding nothing back.
This was for me, my pleasure.
Never before had I ever done anything for myself, to make me feel good. I wanted to drown in the sensations of his heartbeat under my hands and his mouth on my skin.
"Fuck, Stella," Gavin moaned. "Ride me, baby. Make yourself come on me."
I suddenly realized I sat in Gavin's lap again, straddling his narrow hips. His hands gripped my thighs and my dress hiked up to my waist. My clit, throbbing and sensitive, pressed against the tall, stiff pillar in his pants. I would have been horrified if I hadn't been so turned on, so desperate to hear him, to feel him.
"Don't stop, baby." Gavin grinned wickedly. "I know you want to feel good. Keep going." Holding my hips in place, he thrust his erection against me. The movement was tiny but I gasped at the hard, intense pressure on my engorged clit.