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Big Bad Sinner: A Forbidden Romance Page 14

  She looked up at me, red-faced and large eyes brimming with tears.

  "I can't believe you're here," she whimpered.

  "My Maggie," I rasped. "I'm getting you out of here."

  My mouth crashed against hers. The force sent her pressed back against the tiled bathroom wall. As painful as it was, I had to wrench my lips away and talk as quickly as I could.

  "I'm here on a job interview," I said in a hushed whisper. "I don't have time but I have this in the bag. I'll come for you. Just wait for me."

  "I'm in the Victoria building," she replied without missing a beat. "Room 17, left lower bunk."

  "Are you okay?" I demanded. "Have they hurt you?"

  My hands flew across her body, from her face to her arms, hands, and waist. I couldn't say if I was checking for injuries or just desperately trying to take as much of her into my senses as I could.

  "I'm fine," she said, skimming her hands across my chest, neck, and shoulders in the same manner. "How did you find me? There's no way my mom told you."

  "Marie has been a huge help," I said, smiling down at her for the first time. "She and Jeremy are safe. They're staying at my place."

  Maggie's face broke out into a joyous grin. "You really are an angel." She reached on tiptoe to kiss me. "My angel."

  I closed my eyes and savored the sweet taste of her mouth, knowing it might be days or even weeks before I had the chance to kiss her again.

  Now that I had her back in my arms for this sweet, brief moment, I wished time would stand still.

  "I have to go back to the headmaster," I told her as I broke away, my voice pained with regret. "I can't do anything to fuck up getting this job and getting you out."

  "Okay, but wait a minute."

  She quickly closed the bathroom door and slid the lock into place. After quickly checking the two stalls to makes sure they were empty, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her as she hopped up on the counter.

  "Babe, what are you doing?" I asked.

  She hitched up her skirt and locked her ankles behind my back as she brought my hands to her warm, creamy thighs. Her skin was almost burning to the touch. The look on her face was beyond lusting, it was needing.

  "I need to feel you inside me, just for a minute."

  "Maggie, no!" I hissed. "We are so fucked if we get caught."

  Despite my protest, my cock practically jumped out of my pants, desperate to dive between her legs. Sinking deep into her tight, warm pussy would have been absolute heaven if our entire future wasn't at stake.

  "Please, please Kaine," she whined, grabbing at my belt. "I can't even touch myself in this place. I just need a quick fuck so fucking badly."

  "Maggie, this is dangerous," I said in my best serious tone but the lust was already taking over me like a contagious fever. "This sneaky shit is what got us in trouble in the first place. I won't lose you again."

  "No one can get in here!" she shot back. "Please just hurry up and fuck me fast. The sooner you do, the sooner we won't cause any suspicion."

  "Fuck, Maggie," I groaned.

  She pulled her skirt up above her waist and pulled her panties aside to show me her glistening, quivering pussy. My mouth watered at that beautiful sight just waiting for me to take it. From that moment on, it was all over.

  This woman had such power over me, she reduced my resolve to absolutely nothing. All I could do was mutter curse words and moan her name as she unzipped me and pumped my cock in her petite little fist.

  "You want this too," she said breathily, not taking her eyes away from mine. "You're so hard and you've missed my tight little pussy, haven't you?"

  "Fuck yes." My tongue lolled around thickly in my mouth. "I've missed you so fucking much."

  "Then hurry up and take this. Fuck me, Kaine."

  God help us, this was so wrong. We were playing a dangerous game with the odds stacked high against us.

  I held onto the sides of her hips, digging my fingertips into her flesh as she guided me toward her slit.

  She was so wet and greedy for me, the tip slid inside without much resistance. But when I surged my hips forward, with help from her pulling at my shirt, her tightness just about made my head spin.

  "Fuck," I groaned as my cock sank all the way inside her, caressed and held snug by her delicious pussy. She was so tight she almost felt like a virgin again.

  "Oh God yes," she mewled against my throat. "I've felt so empty without you. I needed you to fill me up. Now fuck me, please."

  I held tightly onto her waist with both hands, which disappeared under the thick fabric of her dress. How I wished I could have gotten her naked so I could taste and feel more of her skin. So I could make her come half a dozen times before ever penetrating her. So I could take my time and just enjoy making love to my woman again.

  But that would come later. After we did this quick, dirty bathroom fuck and got the hell out of this mess.

  "I'm not gonna be gentle," I warned her with a soft growl. "I'm going to fuck you so hard but you can't scream."

  "I want to feel you in my pussy until you come save me," she pleaded, grabbing my lapels and growling like a little sex kitten. "So fuck me ruthless. Tear me apart with the only cock I've ever had and will ever need."

  I held her perfect little body in place like an anchor and did exactly that.

  My hips crashed against her inner thighs as I fucked her, holding nothing back. She muffled her screams by biting down hard on my shirt sleeve near my shoulder. I still had tender flesh there from when she bit me hard last time.

  I've never been one to fuck like a jackrabbit. But if I needed to fuck fast to get us out of here alive, I could step up to the task. The force and speed at which I fucked Maggie began building up my orgasm almost immediately. Despite our rushed situation, it still felt wrong to not let her come.

  Without missing a beat in my thrusts, I brought one hand down to her clit and swiped my thumb over that hard, swollen button.

  Her muffled screams grew louder and she began thrashing erratically on my cock. I fucked her even harder and penetrated deeper until her pussy seemed to clamp down and squeeze me into new depths.

  Her orgasm forced my own and I released deep inside her. I groaned and clutched her for support as my body fell limp. My hands fell to cup her ass and push even deeper inside as I finished shooting my load. I didn't want to lose even an inch of contact with her.

  But we both knew this moment had to end and she could get in far worse trouble than me.

  Gently pushing back on my chest, she readjusted her panties and skirt then hopped off the counter.

  "I love you," she whispered as she stood on tiptoe to give me a final quick kiss.

  Then she swiftly unlocked the door and was gone.



  I darted across the corridor to the women's room, not pausing to look if anyone saw me.

  My heart thundered in my chest as I slammed the door behind me, Kaine's cum running like liquid fire down my legs.

  I wasn't even fully down from my orgasm yet when I kissed him and ran out of there. My vulva pulsed with the aftershocks, the rush, and danger of getting caught. The consequences were far worse here than at church.

  Maybe it was stupid to do that but I wasn't thinking logically. I saw him after thinking I'd never see him again, and I just needed him.

  I needed him with every cell in my body, on my skin and inside me. My lungs needed to fill up with his scent and breathe him in like I'd suffocate without him.

  And fuck it was so good, so worth the risk. My taken, cum-filled pussy ached with a tenderness that I'd surely feel for days and I loved it.

  I wanted to feel him every minute of every day, even if we couldn't physically be together for a while. Now that I knew he was here, knew that I was still his and he didn't give up on me, I could be patient.

  Was he foolish to try a stunt like this? Absolutely. Was it brave of him? Definitely.

  I couldn't even begin to de
scribe how moved and bursting with love I felt that he was doing this for me. That he took in my sister and nephew and gave them shelter.

  I would be strong and I would be patient. As my pulse slowed down and my breaths returned to normal, I vowed to not draw any more attention to myself. I'd keep my head down and not do anything stupid like this or back at church before. Not even if I saw Kaine around campus.

  I'd be a pious little shit until we got the hell out of here.

  I wiped myself clean and washed my hands, taking a final look in the mirror and straightening out my dress.

  Then I walked out and returned to my reading spot like nothing had happened.

  Distantly, I heard two male voices talking along the walkway. It had to be Kaine and the headmaster but I didn't dare look.

  Our whole sweet reunion couldn't have lasted more than five minutes. No one saw us. No suspicion was aroused and all I had to do was wait.


  A week passed and then one more. The sweet, delicious ache he made in my pussy faded away. But my body was invigorated and on high alert ever since our quick fuck.

  My pulse quickened every time a security guard walked by, whether it was Kaine or not. Every time, I wondered if this would be the moment. The instant he'd grab my arm and tell me to run.

  But time went on and it never came. I barely slept at night. It was exhausting being on edge constantly, never knowing when that moment would come. As time went on, I began to wonder if it ever would.

  I saw Kaine on campus occasionally and usually from a distance. I snuck peeks of his handsome face whenever I could, that strong jawline and kissable lips under the brim of his black baseball cap that was part of his security uniform.

  My thirsty lips parted and my pussy hollowed out with yearning for him every time I did. I looked around to see if other people were present, to see if I could just walk by and steal a quick kiss.

  But he never looked back at me, not in the same way. His eyes swept over me just like they did with everyone else, his expression never changing.

  I tried not to be hurt by it. He was just doing his job and trying not to blow his cover. But as the days ticked by, I began to wonder how much of a cover it really was.

  The days blurred into the monotonous routine of classes, eating and restless sleeping again. The only break we got was gathering in the auditorium to listen to the occasional speaker.

  Usually, the topic revolved around being a good, Godly woman, as if we didn't get enough of that beaten into our heads every single day. Listening to the male speakers was almost laughable. They were usually leaders in evangelical churches throughout the state. A man can only say, "submit to your husband because he is the head of your household and it is God's will," in so many ways before it becomes meaningless.

  Listening to women speakers was a lot more frightening. It reminded me of how delusional my mother was. They believed so strongly in their roles of being meek and submissive to their men. Not that there was anything wrong with that if you were into it, but they advised staying devoted and faithful even if he cheated, was irresponsible with money, or treated his wife badly in any other ways.

  It was one thing to listen to a man say he had the right to control you, but to hear a woman say we all deserved and needed that was staggering.

  We were listening to one such female speaker when The Moment finally came.

  I was trying to not let my disgust show when a security guard approached my seat.

  He tapped me on the shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my seat, startled. I looked up at him in surprise before remembering the rules and snapped my gaze back down. But I got a clear enough look at his face to know he wasn't Kaine.

  "You're required in the headmaster's office. I'm escorting you," he said in a clipped tone.

  Oh fuck, was my first thought. They found out somehow.

  But I glanced toward the stage and noticed Headmaster Hermes seated near the edge. His gaze was locked on the female speaker in an expression of wonder and admiration like she was a shining example of what a woman should be.

  Something wasn't right here.

  My heart jumped into my throat at the thought of this being Kaine's orchestration.

  I stood and followed the security officer to the exit. A few of my classmates' heads swiveled around to look as I walked away, but most remained glued to the speaker up front.

  The walk to the headmaster's office was tense and silent. The security guard remained tight-lipped and stone-faced as he walked directly behind me. If I went any slower he'd be stepping on my heels.

  My fists clenched at my sides and my stomach did flip-flops. This anticipation set my whole body on edge. It was killing me but I didn't dare ask the guard if he was working with Kaine.

  We arrived and I felt like I would pass out from nervousness.

  The guard closed the heavy, dark wooden door behind me. I was alone in the room.

  Headmaster Hermes’ office was bigger than Kaine's apartment. A dark wooden desk sat in front of tall windows. Volumes of dusty books lined the walls. It looked like a set from Downton Abbey or some other non-contemporary time period.

  I had never been in this office before. Students only got called up here when they were in danger of being expelled. That couldn't be the reason. I was good. I was careful. The Headmaster didn't even seem to know I was here.

  One of the bookshelves suddenly started moving.

  I froze in fear, unable to let out even a squeak of a scream.

  The whole shelf of books was being pushed out from the wall and I realized it was a hidden door.

  Kaine emerged from the other side.

  A wordless sob escaped my chest as I ran to him.

  It was like all the emotion, the fears, the doubts, all the tension I held in for the past two weeks released from my body with that sound.

  "Shh, my Magdalene," he whispered into my hair. "It's alright. But we've got to move fast. The time is now."

  Before I could reply, he pulled me to the opposite wall of the office. He ran his fingers along the edge of a row of books until he found some kind of hidden handle.

  With a firm pull, the whole case came away from the wall to reveal another hidden door.

  And a dark hallway on the other side.

  "Go, go, go," he said, giving me a firm but gentle push through the door. He pulled it closed behind him and we were in total darkness.

  "What is this?" I whispered, feeling for his strong hands in the dark. "How did you ever find out about these... secret passages?"

  "I'm security, it's my job to know all the ins and outs of this place," he said, a lighthearted teasing in his voice as he gently led me through the darkness. "The old Headmaster uses these tunnels to get sneaky blowjobs in his office."

  "Are you serious?" I gasped. "He sneaks girls up there for that?"

  "No," was his curt reply. "He's not into girls."

  "Holy shit," I breathed after a moment of silence to let the realization sneak in.

  "I'm not even supposed to know about these yet," Kaine's voice explained. "But I got pretty close to Collins, the guy who escorted you up here. Poor guy is in love with the Headmaster, but the old man won't give up his other boy toys. He agreed to help me sneak you out to get back at him."

  "Holy shit," I said again. Then a stab of panic hit me in the chest. "Are you sure you can trust that guy? What if it's a trap?"

  I felt Kaine's warm lips plant a reassuring kiss on my forehead.

  "That's why it took me so long, beautiful. I had to make sure this plan was airtight. I couldn't risk losing you again."

  "You're amazing," I cried, finding his shoulders in the dark and draping my arms around them.

  Kaine's arms encircled my waist protectively and lifted me off my feet for a brief, tender moment.

  Our kiss was sweet, savory, and not at all rushed like in the bathroom. We weren't there yet but freedom was so close, we could taste it.

  "Come on. Our ride's waiting."
/>   He gently set me down and continued pulling me to our unknown destination.

  "Our ride?" I asked, steadying myself with one hand along the wall as I followed his lead.

  "You'll see." His tone had a hint of mischievousness to it.

  Finally, there was light.

  After navigating through total darkness, it was blinding at first. I shielded my eyes and blinked a few times. When I looked again I saw the tunnel ended with a wrought-iron gate leading directly to the outside.

  Kaine pushed open the gate, which led us to a small patio enclosed with more wrought-iron fencing. We were somewhere behind the school facing a small side street rather than the main road.

  What I saw parked on the street made my heart burst with joy.

  "Marie!" I cried.

  She sat at the wheel of Kaine's car and waved at us. I could see Jeremy in a car seat sitting directly behind her.

  I didn't have time to wave back. Kaine pulled me toward the unlatched patio gate and led me through.

  And just like that, we were free.

  "Oh my God, I can't believe this!" I squealed, tears pouring out of my eyes as I yanked open the passenger door and leaped across the console to hug my sister.

  "Auntie Maggie!" Jeremy piped from his car seat, wriggling against the straps that held him in place.

  "Hey, little man!" I said, tickling his kicking feet. "I missed you."

  "Buckle up, sis," Marie instructed with a wide grin on her face. "We still gotta get you away from this hellhole."

  Kaine already settled into the backseat next to Jeremy and Marie peeled away from the curb just as I latched my belt.

  "Any destination in mind, Kaine?" she asked, looking at him through the rearview mirror.

  "Just drive Sis," he answered with a carefree smirk as he reached forward to rub my shoulders. "When you get tired, I'll take over."

  "Wait, we're not going back to your apartment?" I asked.

  "Nope," he replied. "It'll be the first place your parents look when the school finds out you're gone. The lease is canceled, everything's been packed up or sold. Marie took care of that while I was up here."